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Tours in London
London, like most capitals, has seen historic events unfold – both in the heart of the city and within its surroundings. From war, heavy rain and struggles to weddings, tea receptions and sunny days, this city has seen both the worst and the best of times. Therefore, London is also worth exploring!
A fire in 1666 caused that most buildings in the city had to be recreated from scratch. The famous architect, Christopher Wren, was hired to design the city. His idea was to construct the buildings in bricks and stone instead of wood. During this process, Wren also designed St. Paul’s Cathedral. It took 35 years, before it was finished. It is a truly beautiful church – Charles’ and Diana’s wedding took place here in 1981. On our Afternoon London Tour, you can visit St. Paul’s Cathedral among other historic places.
Some tours can be experienced on your own, and in those cases an audio guide is often available. Our ticket to Tower of London is a good example; not only do you skip the long lines, you also learn more about the stunning monument, which has had a key role in British history.
While it has also played the lead in many royal stories, Buckingham Palace has been the host of royal events for years. During the Blitz back in 1940, every Londoner thought the palace would be lost. But despite the bombings, this beautiful piece of history ended up standing strong. One of the most famous photos of the palace was taken at the time. It is a stunning palace, and this is just one of its interesting stories! When you visit, try to spot the balcony; this is where the royals appear on public occasions.
Among our other city tours are:
Harry Potter & Warner Bros. Studio Tour
Churchill’s War Rooms
Hop-on Hop-off Sightseeing Bus London
After your preferred tour, you can always consider ordering Fish & Chips at a café. It is the ultimate London comfort food and a wonderful way to end your day!
Ticmate Charity
Tours in London
From historic royal palaces to new and fun attractions, the British capital really has it all. Music lovers might enjoy one of the many Rock'n'Roll tours highlighting key places in the history of iconic London bands like the Beatles. Harry Potter fans all over the world come to visit Warner Bros. Studio and the Harry Potter Museum, while history buffs come to see Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abbey and Kensington Palace. Whatever you fancy you'll find it here!
- London, United kingdom
Redzēt, kur Harija Potera filma bija dzīvs šajā aizkulisēm tūre. Jūs uzzināsiet visu, kas jums vienmēr gribēja zināt par to, kas devās aiz ainas, un, kā tika veikti šo apbrīnojamo filmas. Pirkt biļetes uz Hariju Poteru un Warner Bros Studio Tour šeit!
Redzēt, kur Harija Potera filma bija dzīvs šajā aizkulisēm tūre. Jūs uzzināsiet visu, kas jums vienmēr gribēja zināt par to, kas devās aiz ainas, un, kā tika veikti šo apbrīnojamo filmas. Pirkt biļetes uz Hariju Poteru un Warner Bros Studio Tour šeit!
- London, United kingdom
Pastaiga pēdās Jack Ripper un redzēt visus slavenas vietas, kur viņš nogalinājis savus upurus. Uzzināt, kas Jack Ripper bija un izpētīt cilvēks pats. Iegādāties biļetes uz Londonas Jack Ripper Tour šeit!
Pastaiga pēdās Jack Ripper un redzēt visus slavenas vietas, kur viņš nogalinājis savus upurus. Uzzināt, kas Jack Ripper bija un izpētīt cilvēks pats. Iegādāties biļetes uz Londonas Jack Ripper Tour šeit!
- London, United kingdom
Iegūstiet visas izceļ Londonā mūsu Karaliskajā Londonas Morning Tour. Vai jūs vēlaties absolūti labākais no Londonas daudzajiem apskates vietām? Skatīt Big Ben, Westminster un vēl daudz vairāk. Iegādāties biļetes uz Royal London Rīta Tour šeit!
Iegūstiet visas izceļ Londonā mūsu Karaliskajā Londonas Morning Tour. Vai jūs vēlaties absolūti labākais no Londonas daudzajiem apskates vietām? Skatīt Big Ben, Westminster un vēl daudz vairāk. Iegādāties biļetes uz Royal London Rīta Tour šeit!
- London, United kingdom
Skatīt visu Londonā šī pilnas dienas ekskursija, kas ietver visas nokrāsu; Svētā Pāvila katedrāle, Londonas Tauers un vēl daudz vairāk. Jūs redzēsiet lielāko Londonā Majestic Londonas Tour. Iegādāties biļetes uz Londonas Majestic Tour šeit!
Skatīt visu Londonā šī pilnas dienas ekskursija, kas ietver visas nokrāsu; Svētā Pāvila katedrāle, Londonas Tauers un vēl daudz vairāk. Jūs redzēsiet lielāko Londonā Majestic Londonas Tour. Iegādāties biļetes uz Londonas Majestic Tour šeit!