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Biļetes uz: My Master Builder

My Master Builder

No 35,10 €

Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge, Big Fish) returns to the West End for the first time in seventeen years. The Scottish superstar will lead Lila Raicek’s Ibsen-inspired play, My Master Builder.

Galvenie notikumi

- Enjoy Ewan McGregor live on stage in West End
- Ensure your tickets to this audience favorite
- Choose your own seats

Ko sagaidīt?

On the eve of July 4th in the Hamptons, Elena Solness, a publishing magnate, is preparing to throw a party to celebrate her architect husband, Henry Solness, as he unveils his latest masterpiece.

Their already vulnerable union is shattered by the unexpected arrival of Mathilde, a former student of Henry’s, with whom he previously shared an intimate connection.

As the evening unfolds, each find themselves face to face with a reckoning that indelibly tilts the axis of their lives.

Don’t miss your chance to see the Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor live on stage.

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.

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My Master Builder


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