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Biļetes uz: My Neighbour Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro

No 35,10 €

Experience Studio Ghibli's timeless classic, "My Neighbour Totoro. This enchanting, coming-of-age tale, reimagined by original composer Joe Hisaishi, transports you into a realm of spirits, sprites, and wonder. Be mesmerised by Hisaishi's live-scored, ground-breaking production, exploring the transformative power of childhood imagination.

Galvenie notikumi

- Adaptation of a Studio Ghibli classic
- Landmark collaboration with Improbable, Nippon TV
- Original score by Joe Hisaishi performed live
- Innovative puppetry by Basil Twist

Ko sagaidīt?

Experience an unforgettable spectacle as Joe Hisaishi and the renowned RSC unite to bring Studio Ghibli's celebrated classic "My Neighbour Totoro" to London's West End.

This magical coming-of-age tale will enchant you, evoking the wonder of childhood and the power of imagination. The legendary composer Joe Hisaishi weaves a musical tapestry that transports you to a realm of spirits, alongside sisters Satsuki and Mei, in this landmark adaptation.

Directed by the esteemed Phelim McDermott and set to the backdrop of Hisaishi's live-performed iconic score, this production guarantees to capture the heart of everyone who cherishes the artistry of stagecraft. Be swept away by this ground-breaking, immersive experience.

A global play not to be missed!

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.



Deals can be booked between 2025-03-13 – 2025-10-23 for performances on: otrdiena, trešdiena, ceturtdiena between 2025-04-29 – 2025-10-23

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My Neighbour Totoro


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+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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