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Līdzīga pieredze
1. Wicked the Musical
at Apollo Victoria Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - sv, 4 jan 2026No 35,60 €
2. Disney's The Lion King - London
at Lyceum Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - sv, 26 okt 2025No 50,10 €
3. Phantom of the Opera
at His Majesty's Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 27 sep 2025No 35,60 €
4. Tina - The Tina Turner Musical
at Aldwych Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 25 okt 2025No 14,50 €
5. Mamma Mia
at Novello Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 27 sep 2025No 17,70 €
6. ABBA Voyage
at ABBA Voyage, tre, 5 mar 2025 - sv, 4 jan 2026No 71,90 €
7. Moulin Rouge! The Musical
at Piccadilly Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 26 jūl 2025No 28,60 €
8. The Devil Wears Prada
at Dominion Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 3 jan 2026No 35,60 €
9. Back to the Future: The Musical
at Adelphi Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - ses, 3 jan 2026No 27,90 €
10. Les Misérables
at Sondheim Theatre, otr, 4 mar 2025 - pkt, 27 mar 2026No 35,60 €
Līdzīgas kategorijas
Biļetes uz: Oliver!
2 biļetes, tre, 5 mar 2025
Glorious news! Oliver! the iconic musical is returning home at Londons the West End. This is a new production of Lionel Bart's musical masterpiece.
Galvenie notikumi
- Fan of Charles Dickens? Then see the musical!
- Hear the musicals loved songs.
- Choose your own seats.
Ko sagaidīt?
A beloved gem among British musicals, Oliver! follows a young orphan who overcomes mistreatment, deception, and abduction to make a better life for himself and his new-found friends.
Adapted from Charles Dickens’ ever-popular novel, the musical includes some of theatre's most loved songs, including; ‘Food Glorious Food’, ‘Consider Yourself’, ‘You’ve Got to Pick-a-Pocket or Two’, ‘I’d Do Anything’, ‘Oom Pah Pah’, and the heartbreaking ‘As Long As He Needs Me’.
Born into poverty and misfortune, Oliver Twist escapes the harsh conditions of a workhouse and ventures into the streets of London. There, he encounters a cast of colourful characters, including the Artful Dodger, the villainous Fagin, the kind-hearted Nancy, and the menacing Bill Sikes.
As Oliver navigates a world filled with danger and deception, he seeks love, family, and a place to call home.
Kā tas darbojas?
How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete, your e-tickets are sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted.
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