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Hackney Town Hall

Līdzīga pieredze

Līdzīgas kategorijas

Biļetes uz: 1984


No 65,10 €
IT IS THE AGE OF TOTAL SURVEILLANCE. Everything you say or do is scrutinised. Even your innermost thoughts are probed. You cannot be too careful. In an age when we are tracked and monitored, Orwell’s vision has never been closer to reality. In the magnificent setting of Hackney Town Hall, experience George Orwell’s gripping story. WELCOME TO THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH.

Tūlītējs apstiprinājums

Pieņem mobilās biļetes



Mare Street London E8 1EA


Palīdzības dienests angļu valodā

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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