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Biļetes uz: Magic Mike Live! London

Magic Mike Live! London

5.0 (11)
No 55,40 €

Gather all your girlfriends for an entertaining evening in London. Get ready for a sexy show with very handsome dancers, who knows how to move to the pumping music. This is Magic Mike Live!  

Galvenie notikumi

- Choose your own seats
- See performances just like in the movie Magic Mike
- Witness a steamy show with very talented dancers
- Get the perfect opportunity for a girls night out

Ko sagaidīt?

Conceived and directed by Channing Tatum, MAGIC MIKE LIVE is an unforgettably fun night of sizzling, 360-degree entertainment based on the hit movies. It’s hot. It’s hilarious. It’s the great time you’ve been waiting for!

This first-class experience features some of the world’s sexiest, most talented guys performing heart-racing dance routines in front of, above and all around you. Equal parts empowering and exhilarating, the 90-minute show is punctuated by unexpected, temperature-raising acts from a thrilling range of acrobatic and musical talent. In other words, it’s got basically everything.

If you’re not into fun with friends, laughing out loud, dressing up, letting loose, cute cocktails and hot guys, then it’s definitely not for you.

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.

Svarīga informācija

- You must be 18 years or older to join Magic Mike Live in London. Photo ID must be presented on arrival at the venue.

Darba laiks

Please check the booking calendar for date and time.



Deals can be booked between 2024-08-29 – 2025-04-27 for performances on: trešdiena, ceturtdiena, piektdiena, svētdiena between 2024-08-29 – 2025-04-27

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Ilgums: 1 stundas 30 minūtes

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