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Biļetes uz: MJ The Musical

MJ The Musical

4.9 (12)
No 35,10 €

MJ is the electrifying new West End Musical that takes audiences inside the creative process of one of the greatest entertainers in history. 

Galvenie notikumi

- Ensure your tickets, before it's sold out
- Choose your own seats
- Enjoy the music by Michael Jackson
- Sing along to all of the big hits
- Featuring over 25 of Michael Jackson’s biggest hits

Ko sagaidīt?

He is one of the greatest entertainers of all time.

Now, Michael Jackson’s unique and unparalleled artistry is heading to the West End in the multiple Tony Award®-winning musical MJ.

Centred around the making of his 1992 Dangerous World Tour, MJ goes beyond the singular moves and signature sound of the star, offering a rare look at the creative mind and collaborative spirit that catapulted Jackson into legendary status.

Featuring over 25 of Michael Jackson’s biggest hits

Created by Tony Award®-winning Director / Choreographer Christopher Wheeldon, and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage, MJ will open at the Prince Edward Theatre in March 2024.

Kā tas darbojas?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete. Bring a printed copy to the theater, or present the ticket via your mobile phone.



Deals can be booked between 2025-02-14 – 2025-06-19 for performances on: pirmdiena, otrdiena, trešdiena, ceturtdiena between 2025-02-14 – 2025-06-19

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