100% droša maksājumu sistēma
Norēķināties ar eiro
Vairāk nekā 3,5 miljonu pārdotās biļetes
Jauna meklēšana
Par Ticmate
Informācija par norises vietu
Līdzīga pieredze
1. Keukenhof: Skip The Line and transport from Amsterdam
at , cet, 20 mar 2025 - sv, 11 mai 2025No 38,20 €
2. Van Gogh Museum
at , otr, 11 mar 2025 - pir, 9 jūn 2025No 37,90 €
3. The Heineken Experience
at , otr, 11 mar 2025 - sv, 31 aug 2025No 29,30 €
4. Artis Royal Zoo: Skip the line
at , otr, 11 mar 2025 - ses, 26 apr 2025No 34,70 €
Līdzīgas kategorijas
Keukenhof and Tulip Festival with skip the line
Don't miss your chance to enjoy this Dutch Delight! A visit to the famous park Keukenhof is a rare opportunity: it’s only open six weeks a year.
Galvenie notikumi
- Skip the line to the popular park Keukenhof
- Experience one of Holland's largest attractions
- Enjoy 32 hectares labd with more than 800 varieties of tulips
- Admire much more than just tulips
- Choose with or without bus shuttle
Ko sagaidīt?
Visit the Beautiful Park Keukenhof
When you see the Keukenhof's fields of more than seven million tulips spread out over 32 hectares, you'll understand two will become very clear: 1) tulips really are beautiful. And 2) the Dutch sure do love them!
The tulip is to the Netherlands as the Taj Mahal is to India, or the Eiffel Tower is to France: a symbol of the country known around the world. But while you can see the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal year round, you can only see these tulips in the spring.
These skip the line tickets will get you right into this exquisite flowerfest. And, as you wander the colorful gardens and pavilions, you'll also learn the story of the Dutch love affair with the tulip; it can be traced back to the Dutch Golden Age of the 1600s.
This year's theme is Romance in Flowers – which is extra-fitting, as the historic park was originally designed in the Romantic period. Now you can really 'say it with flowers', and feel the romance throughout the flower shows, two gardens, and the flower mosaic.
Don't feel like driving?
Choose the ticket option with direct transportant and travel to Keukenhof on a shuttle bus from central Amsterdam, complete with a video offering loads of information on the 'Garden of Europe' - and on Amsterdam on the way back. Journey time is approx. 55 minutes.
Kā tas darbojas?
How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete your e-ticket will be sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted.
How long is my ticket valid?
Your ticket is valid for the date and time you choose.
Biļešu kategorijas
Adult (18+)
Children (4-17)
Darba laiks
8:00 - 19:30
Fantastic: 4.7 – 9 atsauksmes
"Je recommande"
Tūlītējs apstiprinājums
Pieņem mobilās biļetes
Ietaupiet laiku - izvairieties no rindas
Darba laiks
8:00 - 19:30
Kas ir iekļauts?
Skip the line entrance to Keukenhof.
Palīdzības dienests angļu valodā

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